Time: Saturdays at 11AM
Link: https://zoom.us/j/93873803339?pwd=dHZVWSt0Z3h6NmhQR3hPS1JOU3dzUT09
ID: 938 7380 3339
Passcode: 451821
Dial in: 646-558-8656
Current Events will start at 11AM on Saturday. At or slightly before that time, click on the Zoom web link above.
If you don’t have a computer or smartphone or can’t use Zoom, you can still participate using a regular telephone. Call 646-558-8656 and enter the meeting ID (938 7380 3339) and the passcode (451821).
NEW THIS WEEK: Current Events now requires a passcode, which is included automatically in the link above. If you omit it, use the old link, or dial in by telephone, you will need to enter the passcode manually. The meeting ID has not changed.