The bus will depart at 9:30 am for a trip on the 7 Seas Whale Watch out of Gloucester, MA. Three generations of sea captains have navigated the waters of Stellwagen Bank and Cape Cod Bay. Their captains are the most experienced whale watch captains in Gloucester and know where the whales will most likely be found. Whales have been seen on 99% of their trips since 1983. Note: The temperature on Stellwagen Bank can be 15 degrees cooler than it is on land. Please dress accordingly. Approximate return: 4:30 pm. Fee: $78.00 for your ticket and transportation. This is approximately a 3-4 hour tour. While trips are normally in the 3.5-4 hour range, the duration of the tour does vary depending on the location of the whales. The ride to and from the feeding grounds averages about 1 hour and they normally spend between 1 and 1.5 hours with the whales. Deadline to sign up: Friday, September 8. Cancellations after September 8 will be charged for tickets. Accessibility: There is a ramp to get onto the boat and one step to get into the cabin. Click ‘Register’ to sign up for this event or request a paper Trip Sign Up form at the Front Desk and submit it to Front Desk staff.