Concert: Renana Gutman, piano

Performance Hall and Streaming

Join us for a concert by pianist Renana Gutman at 7:30 pm in the Performance Hall and streaming....

BFM Concert: Sarasa Ensemble

Performance Hall and Streaming

Brookhaven Friends of Music presents the Sarasa Ensemble in a program entitled "Birds of a Feather,” a flying finale of Sarasa’s...

Concert: Master Singers of Lexington

Performance Hall and Streaming

The Master Singers of Lexington is an outstanding 30-voice chamber chorus that performs a wide range of secular...

Concert: Lexington Chorale

Performance Hall and Streaming

The Lexington Chorale invites you to their Spring Concert at 1:30 pm in the Performance Hall and streaming. The singers, under the direction of Sandy Bornstein and...

BFM Concert: Boston Baroque X-tet

Performance Hall and Streaming

The Brookhaven Friends of Music presents the Boston Baroque X-tet at 7:30 pm in the Performance Hall and...

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